Tests to check for a genuine diamond

Before trying out the prospects below, professionals advise doing your homework. There is several diamond substitutes on the market, with some having a significance of their own while others aren't worth much. It's also significant to know the disparity between mounted and loose genuine diamonds . A loose diamond, or one that hasn't been mounted in a setting, is effortless to test, for both its realism and specify if it has any flaws. Mounted diamonds' mounting can hide probable cracks and chips, and can furthermore recollect light into the diamond, making it tricky for anyone but respected jewelers to assess the stone's color or clarity. If you're scheduling to purchase a mounted diamond, you might want to ask the jeweler at Quality Diam to withdraw the stone first, so that it can be examined while it's loose. Ø The Fog Test To Determine Your Diamond Is Real A fast and easy route to tell if your diamond is real or not — put the st...